Friday, September 03, 2021

And here it is September


So, this is the quilt I went to Texas for.  It is a Judy Neimeyer quilt called Coral Reef.  Mostly paper-pieced and then all curved piecing to put it together.  I finished it about a week ago.  I have folded it and put it in the pile waiting to be quilted - and I have no idea when I will actually get around to quilting it.

I'm heading to another retreat in a week or so - to Little Rock, Arkansas with a friend to a Statler retreat -- to learn all kinds of things about quilting the above quilt and many others!

I bought an new laptop to just put my quilting things on -- for the longarm.  I need to get organized and hopefully will be able to find things I'm looking for.  I have in excess of 8,000 patterns and most of them are not tagged, so I need to spend many, many hours tagging them so I can do a search and find what I need. It should have been done as I bought the patterns, but I didn't know anything then and the computer program for the longarm didn't really sort back then.  Now it does.

And, finally, I have been spending a lot of time on my applique.  This is one block from the "Rainbow of Jewels" quilt by Jason Yenter.  It is actually supposed to be machine appliqued, but a group of us are doing it by hand.  It is a block of the month -- 16 blocks in total.  I started late, so we just received block 10, but I am working on block 5.  A couple of my friends are keeping up to date on it.  We meet about 5 times a month and work on our hand applique.  It is my lifesaver!  It gets me out of the house and in the company of fellow quilters!  What's not to love?

And that pretty much brings me up to date.

Until next time.....blessings.

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