Saturday, January 02, 2021

Another New Plan

I had an epiphany last night when I was trying to fall asleep!  Every year or so I do this clean out of the quilt studio.  Every year or so I try to organize all the scraps.  I spend hours cutting up scraps into usable units and then NEVER use them!  So, I'm tossing them!  And it felt great! 

These are bins I emptied today.  The one on the right has a bunch of 3" nine patches and some fabric to frame them.  I have whittled them down to just a small table runner size now, so I do want to finish them someday!  I had tons of scraps in the big bottom bin and a bunch of 5" squares of ugly fabric in the bin on the top left.  Gone!

I spent a lot of time pressing more fabric today and sorting it.  And then I started on a bin of FQs and pressed and cut some of them:

I cut some, then took 4 - 6 sets to the machine and pieced them to give my back a break!  It was easy and fun and quick and I might just make another of these quilts!  I have only 32 more blocks to make for this quilt for the homeless.

 I had to take a break to run to pick up a prescription, so this is what I had left to press and cut of the FQs:

Hopefully, I will be able to empty that bin tomorrow.  These are not all the FQs, but a pretty good pile of them.  Still have a lot of fabric in my cubbies to take care of.

I've also decided it's not a good idea to just toss the FQs into a bin or wherever - they sit folded so long that ironing the creases out of them is a chore!  So, from now on when I get home with fabric I will press it and put it away within a day!

I feel pretty good about the decision to toss the scraps.  It is so much easier to just pull the fabric you want to use and cut as you go rather than have to dig thru all the scraps and try to find enough of one fabric that works.  Guess I got caught up so long ago with all the advice from scrap collectors that I never thought about it at all.  I love scrappy quilts, but they don't have to be made with scraps!

Until next time.....blessings.

1 comment :

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

It is hard to follow someone else's rules when something better works for you. I have a hard time getting rid of the smallest scraps, even though I have plenty of big pieces that I can use. I wonder if you could find a scrap quilter that you could give your scraps to, ongoing, so you can continue to keep your scraps at bay.