Sunday, January 03, 2021


 More work in the quilt studio:

Lots of ironing - finished emptying the FQs bin: now I have 3 empty bins!  Progress!

Pieced 8 more blocks for the windmill quilt and started chain piecing the last 24:

Spent some time winding bobbins and cleaning off the cutting table again.  Have all the fabric that I've pressed so far just stacked on the pool table.

After I finished piecing the windmill quilt, I have this to look forward to:

Quilts on top are for the homeless.  Batting scraps need to be stitched together for another batting - batting is expensive!

Fabrics in these cubbies are just a conglomeration like the FQs were.  So, I'll be pressing and sorting all of this too.  There are also unfinished projects in there and some more kits that I bought and/or made up myself that I hope to finish this year.  Whatever I find, I hope to get it organized, or tossed!  I like that my antique table is mostly cleared off now, and I like that I can actually cut the right amount of fabric and piece the right amount of blocks.  I've been so lazy over the years, that I just keep cutting til I have enough, and then end up with more than I need - hence the scraps stash.  So, goal is to only cut what I need, put the rest back into the stash cupboards, clean out the cubbies and sort them so I know what I have in there.

Until next time....blessings.

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