Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 27, 2020

 Just realized I haven't posted since the end of May.  You'd think I was busy, but I think it's just that I got out of the habit and sometimes I get a bit depressed with all this covid stuff and being stuck at home alot.  At first I spent some time in the sewing room and going to town on using stash to make homeless quilts.  But that has gone by the way-side.  I have the attention span of a gnat, I think!

So, in the interest of catching up, I'll let you know what's happening in my world now.  First, I live on a dead end dirt road in the city limits.  A couple of weeks ago we got a duck drowning drenching rain and my part of the road off my driveway washed away.  Last Thursday I finally got the street department out here and they did wondrous things to fix the road (paving it would be wonderful, but there are only 3 of us that live on this road and I doubt the city will pay for it, but I'll keep trying.  Anyway, before and after picture:

They filled with some kind of heavy material that hopefully won't wash away.

1 comment :

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I am glad your city did help you and hope that it does the trick. I can't imagine having my street washed out.