Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy New Year - 2020

I had a quiet evening at home last night - of course! Spent some time reading and knitting.  Finished this hat:
There are a lot of errors in it, so will not be putting on the hat and mitten tree next year, but will be starting another one and hopefully finish it this month.  This is the yarn I'll be using:
I like using the variegated yarns for kids hats.
I also spent time in the quilting studio today. 
This is my own quilt - for a change!  I finished the inside, but need to do the side borders tomorrow.  This was a kit I bought at Lucky Quilt Co. in Pecatonica, IL last year.  I have a pile of quilt kits I want to start piecing and quilting.  I'm trying to clean out the kits, those I bought and those I made, and I have a plan to start using up the leftover scraps from the ones I do finish. I'm looking forward to finally catching up after all these years of quilting homeless quilts -- it took most of my time, not only the quilting, but piecing backings and labeling also.  I'm glad that we did them, but I was feeling overwhelmed.  So, new year, new focus!

Until next time....blessings.


1 comment :

Jeanne said...

Happy 2020 Joanne!