Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Unpacking Stuff

Not a lot going on here.  Yesterday we got a nice 7" of snow overnight!  Was raining when I went to bed and next morning there it was.
This is looking out my dining room window at the back yard. 

 So, after I spent an hour cleaning off the drive with the snow blower that I put together and my DSIL laughed at me because he figured it would only work in 3 inches of light fluffy snow -- and he was so wrong and needs to show his DMIL a lot more respect because this was 7" of wet heavy snow and the blower did a great job!
I came in and worked in the office all day.  Opened the box of cd's and have added them to the other shelf in the room:
 And then spent the rest of the day shredding paper and sorting thru some of my dad's stuff from 1978 - I have a ton of stuff to go thru!  I emptied the shredder three times and then had to give it a rest, but I managed to get a large stack of stuff reduced to a small manila envelope of my Mom & Dad's birth, death and marriage certificates and a few other mementos.  It would feel really good if I didn't have a 100x that to go through yet!  Seriously needed to do this many years ago and I've moved this stuff at least 3 times!
Had a doctor's appointment today --new doctor in WI -- to analyze the stabbing pain in my back.  Waiting now for a call to schedule a CT scan for a blood clot or pulmonary embolism -- oh joy.  They also did blood tests and my cholesterol and triglycerides are high -- so no excuses any more -- gotta get back on schedule to exercise and back to the diet.  I was doing really well, then fell off the wagon with the move, so time to get back to it.  And tomorrow we weigh in again -- it's been a month that we started weighing and trying to establish new habits.  Wondering how everyone else is doing?
Until tomorrow ......Blessings.

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