Saturday, April 30, 2016

Another month has gone by

I seem to spend all my time catching up.  Sometimes feels like I'm running in place!  But, I did manage to finally finish the Americana quilt - sucked it up and appliqued a whole bunch of circles, and called it done!
Also managed to move a few of my ufo's (more applique projects) to the next step.  

As far as the diet is going -- not well!  Pretty much skated along all month - gained and lost the same 3 pounds, cheated on an ice cream binge, and hardly did any walking at all.

So, here we are at the end of the month, and new month starts tomorrow -- therefore new resolve also.  May is going to be a busy/not accomplishing much month.  I did make an appointment to have my driveway sealed on Tuesday, so that's a start.  Rest of the month I'll be having cataract surgery on the 9th and the 23rd, so I think I won't be getting much accomplished at all while I readjust to eyes that can actually see!  

We had another sew-in yesterday, and the ladies brought me more tops to quilt for the homeless, so hopefully I'll be able to at least do some quilting.  I've found that when I quilt one and then load the next one right after that I get a lot more finished.  It makes it so much easier to go down and start quilting as opposed to having to load the quilt first, which takes at least 30 minutes.

I did manage to clean the entire longarm machine including inside the controller and computer base.  Amazing how much dust/lint collects in there.  I should probably have someone out to do a thorough checkup on the machine soon, too.

New goals for May:  
Quilt 3 new homeless tops,
Quilt 12 kids quilts (I have the tops here)
Do the next step on 3 more projects and then start the round over.  I've been doing the next step on applique projects from wherever I left off - however many years ago - and then prepping the next block before I move to the next project. I have different projects in different stages, so some will actually get finished - but not this month!
Get back on the new lifestyle:  I've talked with my doctor and got my statin drug lowered to 10 mgs and we've established a goal to lose enough weight/exercise enough in the next 6 months to possibly get off the statin altogether and hopefully 1 or 2 other drugs I take. 
So, that means, more home cooking -- and definitely getting back on the exercise track.  Shooting for at least 7000 steps every day - and hopefully the weather will start to cooperate so I can do some of them outside.
I also built myself a standing garden this month, so will be planting it in a couple of weeks -- it's only 1' x 2', but it's on my deck and will hold a tomato or two, a pepper or two and some basil.  I had a patio tomato last year that really did not do well, and I only got a couple of tomatoes that didn't even taste that good, so hoping for something better this year.

This is what the standing garden looks like.  I ordered it from Gardener's Supply and put it together myself.  It's self-watering, so hopefully that will help!

Well, that's about it for today.
Until next time....blessings.

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