Sunday, September 22, 2024

It's Fall Y'all

 Fall has arrived and with it the rain is falling. That's ok since it's been a bit dry around here for awhile.

It has been a long time since I last wrote, but now I'm trying again to keep up.  

This is what my studio looked like a few months ago (it changes daily):

I'm starting to make plans for finishing projects since I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to live forever!

  • Anyway, my first goal is to use up all my fabric in the next four years! (and I have fabric everywhere in this picture!) This does not mean that I won't be buying fabric - but I will be concentrating on using up the stash.  Mostly I'll be making quilts for the homeless with the stash fabrics and will need to add fabrics to do that.
  • Second goal is to finish some projects: 
  1.  My Judy Neimeyer that is already in progress called Valley Blossoms.
  2. I have 3 Dream Big quilts to be quilted that I want to start and finish.

So that is where I will start.

I also have a circular sock knitting machine, so I have a few things I need to do on it - but nothing that has to be finished by a certain date.

Grandsons update:  AJ is a junior at Aurora University, Will is a senior in HS and Mike is a freshman at the same HS.  Homecoming was this weekend so anxiously awaiting pictures of them all!

Gratitudes:  Grandsons 

My Daughter who helps me navigate my health problems - namely getting shots in my eye for Macular Degeneration.

Until next time....blessings.


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