Friday, January 05, 2024

Making Plans for the New Year

 I don't make resolutions -- just some goals.  As I was vacuuming today (hated job), I decided it was time to start decluttering again.  I haven't done any decluttering in a few years.  I did donate a box of clothes yesterday to the Rescue Mission and while I was vacuuming the bedroom I decided it was time to get rid of more stuff - either donate, throw away or use up.  This will not be an organized thing.  I'm not going to say I will do the office in its entirety during the month of January.  I will do a shelf, a closet, a shelf in a closet or 1 drawer or maybe I'll do a whole dresser or cabinet.  It will be whatever I feel like and whenever I feel like. It may take the whole year, or even longer.  And, I'll have to do some things before I do other things  For instance:

This is my main floor laundry and the closet in the laundry room.  I need to do the closet before I do the cabinets and sink because there are hummingbird feeders in the sink that get stored on the shelf in the closet.  Yes, they've been in the sink since I brought them in about October.  They were rinsed when I brought them in, but they need to be washed and put away.

This is part of my pantry in the kitchen hallway.  I do clean it out periodically, but it definitely needs it again.  I may do one shelf one week or I may do all of them -- whatever I feel like doing basically.


This is my hutch and dry sink.  There are 3 drawers in the dry sink and two shelves in the cabinet half and the hutch has 3 drawers and the bottom half has two shelves with china stacked on them and one cabinet with a divider in it for other dishes/trays.  There's a lot of stuff that needs to be cleaned out and there is also a lot of stuff that will stay, but needs to be sorted.  I may or may not do each cabinet and shelf at the same time.

So, I'm going thru each room (and this house has 3 bedrooms and an office) and listing what needs to be cleaned out and then I will pick one to work on - but not today!  Vacuuming did me in!  And tomorrow I need to clean the sewing room in the basement - which will also need to be decluttered -- a little at a time!

Until next time....blessings.


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