Sunday, May 29, 2022

New Quilt Hanger

 I've discovered these great quilt hangers that I can buy locally and I love them.  You can get them at Quilter's General Store in Rockford, IL.  After you attach the base to the wall, you only have to clip the quilt to the backside of the hanger and hang it onto the base.  No more tacking the quilt to the wall while trying to slip the binding area into the two pieces of wood.

So, yesterday I managed to hang the hanger on the wall -- without falling off the ladder and without dropping the drill on my thumb like the last time I did this!  And, the quilt hanger is level too!

I love it and I'm proud I was able to do it myself.  And, this is the first time I have hung Cottontail Cottage on my living room wall!

Until next time...blessings.

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