Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Getting some projects started

 I finally got the linen closet cleaned out today -- I hadn't forgotten about it, just never had time, so I made time today.

It looks so nice I wonder why it took me so long to do it!

I also started sorting clothes in my closet and donated a bunch of tops that I can't or won't wear anymore.  Here's the result:

I still have a ton of pants and jeans and capris to go thru, but I need to lose some weight so I can actually try on the new ones I've bought.  My daughter and I have a challenge going on getting exercise with the goal of losing a few pounds, so I'll wait till after I actually lose before I try on the pants!

Otherwise, I've been doing some piecing, and making some quilts for the homeless:  Another goal this year is to use up a large amount of my fabric stash and the best way to do that is make quilts for the homeless.  I have a lot of older fabrics that I've already used for quilts and now need to use up.  I've also been buying fat quarters to make orange peel blocks, so I cut the orange peel from the fabric, then cut the rest of the fq into usable sizes like 6-1/2, 5-1/2 and 2-1/2" strips and squares. That way I add newer fabrics in with the old and try to make colorful quilts with them.

Until next time......blessings.

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