Sunday, April 11, 2021

And the cleaning is done


It is so much nicer working in a clean space.  I cannot work in a cluttered area -- just too much stuff laying around.  So, I finished cleaning the basement today, all the dusting of walls, ceilings, corners and baseboards and then the rest of the vacuuming.  And then putting away all the stuff I have spread out all over.

I cleaned my sewing machine and then put the binding on Pumpkin Hill.  I will start stitching the binding down tonight I think.  My back aches -- vacuuming does that to me!

And, even though I needed to clean up after the furnace guy, I had let the basement go longer than I should have, so I vow to clean it again in a more timely manner.

And, my son in law brought my 50 lb bags of solar salt for my water softener and put it in the softener too.  

Feeling pretty accomplished today!

Until next time....blessings.

1 comment :

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I feel tired just after reading all that. You deserve a rest. The space looks like an inviting place to sew.