Thursday, January 07, 2021


 The windmill quilt is quilted.  I also made the binding, but my back was bothering me from standing too long and I haven't attached it yet.

I use the antique table to trim my quilts instead of the cutting table -- works so much better!  And I have enough of the backing fabric to bind the quilt with - so that's a good thing!  

And, I sorted the cubbies.  The top row are unfinished, or unstarted projects! The bottom row has muslin and some pieces of fabric I use to put under the longarm to keep the table clear of oil.  

And I have started loading the other ones with the fabric I have been sorting and pressing.  Most of the fabric that will go in here is the brights/pastels that I have.  The fabric in my cabinets is mostly darks, mediums - lots of Kansas Troubles type fabrics.  I've also discovered quite a bit of neutrals/whites in yardages that will probably go in the bins.

Until next time.....blessings.

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