Monday, March 30, 2020

Hat #3

I finished hat #3 last night.  I'm trying to use up the rest of each skein of yarn, so I started another hat using this same variegated yarn - I'll switch to blue when I run out.
We've had some crazy wind this weekend:
This was where I found my outdoor furniture yesterday morning - pretty close to the patio doors and the steps on the deck.

This is where the furniture is supposed to be - way over to the other side of the deck.  I put the cover in the garage for now - wind was still blowing like crazy.  Took my flag down too, since I'm always afraid it will bend the pole in wind like that. 

And I finished piecing a quilt called "Twinkle" yesterday.  I don't know who will get this quilt - I just felt like piecing a quilt!
We have decided to go back to making quilts for the homeless again - and mostly lap quilts for nursing homes.  A friend's mother just died and she had a quilter's stash of fabric, so we're going to use it to make quilts for nursing homes and the homeless.  At our own pace, of course.  
It goes along with one of my goals for this year - use up stash.  So, we're also going to be using our own stash.
And, I've been buying fabric for backings from my favorite quilt shop which is closed due to it not being an essential shop -- but open 2 days a week for a couple of hours to either ship or bring to the curb for us quilters that need stuff!  I'm just having her save what I buy until I can actually get there.  But, it helps her out since the shop is her only source of income.

Also went to Steph's on Friday and we ordered breakfast from a local cafe and AJ and I picked it up and we ate at her house.  At least I get to see her and the kids, and hopefully do our part in helping out the local businesses.  We will probably do lunch sometime this week too.

Hoping everyone is staying safe and healthy in these trying times.  Saving money (gas the last time I checked was $1.38 a gal) by not going anywhere and still helping out our local businesses.  
Until next time....blessings.

1 comment :

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

It was really windy here too, but it has calmed down today. Although it was cloudy, there are lots of flowers blooming.