Sunday, December 08, 2019

Almost There

Five down, two to go!  That is, we had 14 tops to finish after we gave the Rescue Mission the finished ones.  We have 7 all done, and this week I quilted 5 more, so only 2 more to quilt.  Nancy will not be happy with me when I bring her the 5 to bind tomorrow, but we will both be happy to be done with this project so we can catch up on our own things!
And, yesterday I worked on another Christmas tradition:  Watching Die Hard while wrapping gifts! LOL  My daughter and I used to watch together, but she's way too busy nowadays, and I don't have that many to wrap anymore, so I did them yesterday!
In the evening I watched The Great Escape - my all time favorite movie - true story of WWII - and who doesn't love Steve McQueen, James Garner, and Charles Bronson to name a few of the all star cast!

And, I'm making progress on my next knitted hat, so that's great too!

Until next time....blessings.

1 comment :

Jeanne said...

Ah, I always liked The Great Escape too -- haven't seen it in many years! Happy wrapping and long-arming :)