Friday, January 25, 2019

Fabric, Fabric everywhere!

These are my two fabric cabinets in the basement.  My original cabinet wouldn't fit down the stairs, so it's in the spare room holding finished quilts. These were quite a mess - to be sure!

 I did finish the right one -- just took a picture before I was done!  I have a whole lot of lights that I will be working on using up!
I finished the left one today. The whole top shelf is Christmas fabrics I've been collecting -- someday I'll make another Christmas quilt!  I also have a ton of scrap fabric everywhere downstairs.  So, I'm hoping to deal with as much of the scraps as possible this year.  They will go into homeless quilts for sure. And I have various fat quarters in all areas of the basement I need to do something with too.  I still have cubbies full of donated fabric that I need to press and pack into Rubbermaid totes to take to church too.
It would have been fun to play today except for the fact that I have a cold and it decided today was the day to sneeze and blow my nose constantly!
Until next time.....blessings.

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