Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Finding Stuff

I was looking for some Double Wedding Ring templates I used to have (I never did find them), and came across this top I made probably 10 years ago.  I never quilted it because I couldn't figure out how to do it!  Now I have the Statler with thousands of patterns and might have to spend some time designing the quilting.  As I recall, this was my own design.
I also came across a Grandmother's Flower Garden top that was in my husband's family, although none of them knew who made it.  I had basted it to the backing to do some hand quilting -- also many years ago, but now I think I'll take that off and put it on the machine and finish it too.  (I can no longer hand quilt). There are some great GFG's patterns out there, so that won't take much to decide.
And now I'm off to do some hand applique.
Until next time.....blessings.

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