Sunday, March 17, 2013

Quilt Stuff

It's been ages since I took any kind of quilt class. After awhile you already know how to do everything, I think! That being said, I signed up for a year of Jo Morton's Little Women Club #12. First class was this afternoon. The instructor is Kay Steinmetz and the class is at Quilter's General Store in Rockford. I signed up because I love taking these type of classes from Kay. The last one I took from her was Tulip Farm I think -- from Blackbird Designs. I do tend to finish my projects like this -- sometimes not during the year but usually soon afterward. The class was from 12:30 - 3:00 but we didn't go that long and I was home by 3. So after lunch/dinner at 3:15, I decided to at least cut the fabrics for the blocks. Well, one thing led to another, you know how that goes, I ended up making the four patches and even squared them up. This is what one block will look like after it's sewn together:

Totally felt wonderful sewing this afternoon at home and going to the class earlier.  Can't wait to actually get this top put together.  I didn't get border fabric today, so I'll put the top together and take it in for border fabric.  This will not be a big quilt, so I may even hand quilt it -- that's how good it felt to play today!

1 comment :

Bren said...

I love those fabrics!!!! Can't wait to see your quilt top. Are you as sad as I am that Acorn is closing???