Saturday, November 29, 2008

This was a surprise gift I received yesterday from a quilting friend. These are hand stitched 6" Dresden Plates. She bought (I think she said 180 of them) at an auction.
They are gorgeous and well-pieced. Kris said she'd seen some quilts that used a few of these in the corners of borders. I think I'm going to put all 12 in a small quilt for myself -- just applique them to about an 8" background and piece the backgrounds. Can't to start it, but I have to -- I have to start on Steph's Christmas quilt.

Today I managed to finish quilting one quilt and have the second one loaded and all ready to go. Then I made some candy for Christmas and we started writing our Christmas cards tonight after dinner. Tomorrow I hope to spend an hour or so quilting and then spend some time baking some Spritz cookies for Christmas. And if I have time after that, I'll quilt some more! We'll need to spend more time after dinner tomorrow doing Christmas cards too. So far, we have used up the loose cards I found in the Hoosier cabinet, and I have started using one of the old boxes of cards. I will definitely not have to buy cards next year and possibly the year after that!

Next week I should get my new computer. I will need to finish taking stuff off this one and the other old one and try to learn Windows Vista and load all my programs on the new one -- can we say at least 3 weeks of tearing my hair out?! vbg


Taking time to baste the entire quilt before I start quilting -- I have learned that this saves me plenty of heartache in the end --even though it takes longer to do as opposed to basting the sides as I go.

Surprise gifts from friends.

Getting a start on the Christmas cards -- better than procrastinating all month!


Deborah said...

Absolutely beautiful...what a dear friend you have.

What would you do if you only have one? On my Stitched Together blog, I have a picture of one plate that my grandmother did and I'm wanting to do something special with it for my daughter. I need ideas.

Sit A Spell said...

Glad I could "sit a spell" as your profile says...I'm kinda fond of that saying : )

I love quilts, but I don't sew.

Jaayimee said...

I always enjoy reading your blog. I love the quilts and I always get inspired.