Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Workin' Wednesday

There is so much to do around here that I made a list or two and started working on it (them) today. I have two lists -- one is outdoor things that need to be finished before the season ends, and the other is indoor things that need to be done, but I'll work on them now only when I can't get the outside stuff done -- when it rains!
So, I worked in one flower bed today -- this is a bed of daylilies and peonies and some hollyhocks that joyfully invaded the lily bed!
This is the small part I weeded today. I have not touched this bed since early spring -- unbelievable amount of weeds, and trees(!) growing in it. So far I've only managed to clean up this 8 x 12 foot (about) section -- a lot of weeds and lots of dead flower stems from both the lilies and the hollyhocks.
This is my garden cart filled to the brim with the stuff just from that small section! I let Bill worry about emptying it! I only worked out there about an hour and a half. It was really hot and I thought I'd only be able to work an hour, but then there was a small occasional breeze that helped me. I tend to suffer from heat exhaustion/stroke, so I know when I stop sweating that I'm in serious trouble and I no longer let it get that far. I also make sure I drink plenty of water while I'm out there.

I also got back on the treadmill this morning and am hoping by the time I finish all the yardwork that I'll actually be able to button my work jeans! vbg Seriously, I'm not concerned about losing any weight (although it certainly wouldn't hurt me to lose 20 pounds), but I do need to lose the fat/flab around my middle. I'm quite aware that carrying that fat around the middle is bad for the heart, and it doesn't do anything for my back either. So, hopefully, working in the yard/gardens/outside the house will help that and then when winter arrives I'll try to keep the exercising up inside.

Now I'm off to spend an hour or so doing the daily chores and then I'll load another quilt on the frame. That's my reward for getting some work done!

Finally having a day free to get some work done.
JR -- he actually skips when he realizes I'm going to be outside working - and then he lays under the cart protecting me while I weed!


StitchinByTheLake said...

I need to get to my flower beds, too. I get sidetracked by most anything but especially by "just a few more stitches." Maybe you'll inspire me. blessings, marlene

Melanie said...

Stick a pumpkin in that cart and call it a decoration!!!!! Enjoy the days out.... the are numbered, winter is on the way.