Saturday, October 22, 2005

Saturday morning

I want to thank everyone for their nice comments on my quilt and blocks and such. I try to reply to everyone, but most of the emails bounce. Just want to say Thanks anyway!
Today I get to play all day on the Labor Day Madness and Finn is going to be playing with the blocks sometime, too! It'll be fun to compare notes. So, guess I'd better get off the computer and back to the sewing machine. I'll check back later this afternoon.

1 comment :

Finn said...

So glad to hear you get today to play..I've already been sewing some this morning..have about 4 sets of "stratas" to finished for one of Bonnie's Trip around the world. Then I can pull out my nickle squares and see what I have and what I want for background to cut for the Labor Day Madness..*VBS*
Thanks for the email..please don't feel you have to do that tho, ok?? But this time I REALLY appreciate the I think my friends book says size to 4.5".