Sunday, December 18, 2022

December 18, 2022

 I've been missing in action for months.  Healthwise, I'm fine, but I had a water in the basement problem that happened in September and it is still not fully resolved.  My basement was finished, and I didn't know I had water in there because I was out of town and the basement is carpeted, so I never noticed that the carpet was wet.  Needless to say, it is a major problem.  And, no, the insurance company didn't cover any of it.  Makes me wonder why we pay for insurance for 40+ years and never have a claim and they still can't be bothered to pay for it.  Every year, they have a new exclusion and every year the rates go up, and apparently we just pay it to say we have insurance, when we really don't.  (The problem was not a broken pipe, it just came in from a 4+ inch rainfall and my basement is cement block, not a poured foundation.)  Anyway, jackhammers in the basement and new drain pipe and new drywall and baseboards, and a sump pump that I never had before has taken care of the water -- now I'm just waiting for vinyl plank flooring to be installed -- hopefully on January 4. (And I have changed insurance companies just because!)

In the meantime, I traded in my longarm for a new, improved version and it was delivered while all the basement was torn up - after the concrete was replaced and before the drywall was replaced!  So, needless to say, my basement is still in an uproar, but I have managed to clean as much as I can - dust was everywhere.  I have fabric and books and furniture piled everywhere - and I can't do anything with any of it until the flooring is put in (I am not replacing all the carpet, just where the longarm is).

All that to say, I'm looking forward to 2023!  And that will be another post!

Until then...blessings.

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