Tuesday, May 18, 2021


I love hand work - hand applique, specifically.  But, I get caught up in doing it and everything else goes by the wayside.  I finished Cottontail Cottage and put it on the longarm and immediately turned my brain off!  It's been so long since I quilted anything, I forgot what I was doing and it took twice as long to quilt it than it should have.  So, I need to get back to quilting and piecing and still keep up with my applique.  Today I managed to do a little of everything.

 I'm working on prepping applique pieces for the next blocks I'm planning on doing, and then I cleaned up the mess on the antique table (it really is a catch-all and I really need to keep it organized).  Then I pulled out the Go Big! accu-quilt cutter and cut some more pieces for the Broken Dishes quilt I want to make for another homeless quilt.  So then I started piecing a few of them together:

I need a much bigger variety of course, but I hope to cut some every day I go to the studio. 

I'm also working on binding the Cottontail Cottage quilt - at least 1 side a day!  And, still working on my new applique project.  It's called Rainbow of Jewels and it's through Sunshine Stitches in Belvidere, IL.  When I get the first block done, I'll post a picture.  I also want to hand piece more of the star blocks I posted last time - once I get a rhythym going, it shouldn't take too long to piece them.  I've also cut backgrounds and traced pieces for another applique quilt I want to make - so I'm definitely multi-tasking this week!

I called a landscape business to get some mulch spread in my back flower bed.  She called me back this morning (some places never bother calling back, so I'm impressed!)  I chose this one because it is owned by a young woman, and all her employees are also young women.  I need the mulch spread now - but they are booked to August!  So, I'm going to work on getting the bed weeded and then probably hire them to do the fall planting and mulching.  I know I can't spread mulch anymore -- just kills my back - and I'd really like to plant some tulips and daffodils in the flower beds and I'd just as soon have someone do that for me than try to do it myself.  So, now I've gone from just trying to get someone to spread mulch for me to having a landscape company do a little designing and planting!  I love flowers, so it will be worth it to have them take care of it -- better save my pennies now!

Off to bind the quilt.  Until next time.....blessings.

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