Friday, April 30, 2021

And the End of April already

 Cottontail Cottage by Bunny Hill is finished - the top that is. Can't get a good straight on shot of the whole thing, so here's the whole thing, the top and the bottom!:

Mine is a bit different from the original -- this was the first kit I bought and didn't bother reading the directions since I've been appliqueing a long time.  Oops - cut the border, inside border and all the backgrounds first.  So, my inside border is not the fabric its supposed to be; I changed a few of the piecing blocks, I ran out of one fabric for background and substituted another and also didn't applique some of the pieces as suggested.  

And, I've found that the fabric for the two Bunny Hill kits I did make is not great -- first, some of the fabrics are down right ugly (IMHO), and second they all frayed terribly.  Makes me think that they use a lesser grade of fabric for kits.  There are tons of threads on the back and I cut and trimmed threads as I went, and still there are a lot to do.

I have signed up for a Block of the Month with Sunshine Stitches - Rainbow of Jewels - I'm only 6 months behind.  The fabric is better though - the other girls haven't had any problem with fraying. I hope to start it in another week or so.

And here it is the end of the month and my exercising didn't go as planned.  Hoping to pick up where I left off and add in some back exercises, since my back bothers me a lot, for May!

Until next time....blessings.

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