Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Today's Update

I finally finished the spare room -- lemon oiled the furniture and put Scott's Liquid Gold on the woodwork including closet doors and entry door.  Cleaned bathrooms today, and next fall deep cleaning chore is the Master Bathroom.  It shouldn't take too long to clean out the cabinet and the drawers, so hopefully it'll be done soon.

Knitted a little on my shawl -- gonna be switching back to the lace part soon.  It's going pretty well.

And, put together the last 9 rows of the quilt for the homeless:

Next time I'll put the two halves together and piece and label the backing, and hopefully get it on the longarm.  I probably have enough left over to start another one, but I'll cut some more plaids for a little more variety! And, I want to get the pumpkin blocks pieced too.

Made an appointment for a colonoscopy -- last one was 10 years ago, so I've been lucky there.  The test itself is not a problem - but boy, the prep is a big pain! Hopefully I won't have to have anymore after this one. 

I started a knit hat the other day, so might have a little time now to add a couple of rows.

Until next time....blessings. 

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