Monday, September 21, 2020


 Mondays are my laundry and clean bathrooms day!  So, I did laundry, cleaned bathrooms and even cleaned out the cabinet and the drawers in the master bath, so making some progress on fall cleaning there.  Threw out a ton of stuff - and I had thought I had already thrown out a bunch of makeup, but I still threw out more today.  Just need to do the woodwork, clean the curtains and mop the floor in there and that room is done.  Next will be the master bedroom closets.

Also went out and brought the hummingbird feeders in and cleaned them -- done for this year.  And swept and hosed down the deck and moved the furniture again.  Need to actually go out and scrub the deck - hosing it down just got the surface dirt!  Here's how the furniture looks and my flower boxes are filled with mums now!

Until next time....blessings.

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