Saturday, March 24, 2012

The view from the Porchrocker

We've been blessed with an early spring -- in fact we are in the part of the US that has been getting 80 degree temps during the past week.  I had to rush out and rake all the leaves out of the flower beds so the daffodils could grow and bloom.  I've spent many a morning lately drinking my coffee on the front porch watching the plants grow!
I'm especially enjoying the mornings and evenings on the porch this spring.  Hopefully, it will be my last spring here so I'm savoring.
 I'm getting ready to put the house back on the market For Sale By Owner.  A really good friend is helping me get all my ducks in a row as to putting together a flyer/handout and arranging for advertising in the Chicago area as well as this area and also on the 'net. 
The plan is to move to WI near my daughter and her family.  It would be really nice to go to the grandkids' sports events and not have to drive back home for an hour and a half.  It would be really nice to finally get settled -- I feel like I've been living in limbo for the past two years.

The weather has been beautiful lately -- even though our winter wasn't bad weather-wise, it was still long and gray!
Friends that know a lot and help me a lot!